Time Palette™ calculates the current time for any place in the world. Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) is supported as are non-hour-based time zones. In addition, the program will calculate the distance between any two points on Earth and can figure the local times of sunrise/sunset & moonrise/moonset for any location. A customizable database of 10,000 cities is included. Time Palette™ can also display a map of the world in numerous different projections depicting areas of day and night over the Earth's surface.
Time Palette is available in English, Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Portuguese and Spanish.
Shareware Notice...
Time Palette is not free. It is a commercial product distributed as shareware for a small fee of US$25 (or foreign cash equivalent). Volume discounts are available to qualified educational institutions as well as for corporate site licenses.
If you continue to use this software, please pay for it. Over the past seven years, I have put a great deal of time and money into this software and have relied on honest people to pay me for the product I have created. It is only with the support of paid users that I am able to continue supporting this software. Thank you for your support of shareware and independent software developers.
The unregistered version will write "UNREGISTERED" across all the map displays, and will not allow you to change the cities displayed in the Time Palette window.
• A Macintosh PowerPC computer
• System 7.5 or greater (MacOS 8 is strongly recommended)
• 1MB available memory (5MB or more for map displays)
• Language Kit (For Japanese & Chinese versions)
New in Version 3.1...
• New political map and Atlas update to reflect the creation of the Canadian province of Nunavut.
• New Topographic & Photographic maps.
• Fixed errors in daylight saving time dates for several locations.
Copy the Time Palette™ application to your hard drive and double click on its icon to open the program. If you are a registered user, you should enter your name and serial number when requested. If you have not yet registered and are evaluating the software on a trial basis, you may press the "Not Yet" button which becomes active after a short while.
Please read the following carefully:
In order for Time Palette™ 3.0 to display the correct times, it must know what city you live in.
To properly configure the program, find the city where you live by searching the atlas (Type the first few letters of the city where you live). If your city is not in the atlas you may add it, or choose a city that is nearby and in the same time zone as where you live.
Drag this city from the atlas window to the window marked "Your Location".
If you are currently observing Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) where you live, check the box for this in the "Your Location" window.
Using Time Palette™ 3.1...
Time Palette has four basic windows and uses a drag and drop interface. The four windows are described below.
Time Palette Window: The Time Palette window displays the current time in various cities throughout the world.
• Changing the number of clocks: You can resize this window using the grow box to display from one to ten different cities.
The window only expands in full-clock increments - you must drag a full clock width before anything appears to happen.
• Changing the width of the clocks: Click and drag on the vertical bar between two cities.
• Changing the city associated with a clock: Drag a new city from another clock or from the Atlas.
• Changing the color associated with a clock: Double click on the color you wish to change.
• Moving the window: Click and drag in the colored area above the city names.
• A + or - in front of the time display indicates tomorrow or yesterday respectively.
• The black triangle at the far right is a popup menu which allows you to set options such as font and size.
Holding down command and option will toggle the time displays to an alternate display. The alternate display is selected by using the menu at the far right of the Time Palette window (the black, right-pointing triangle).
Alternate displays are...
1) Date - (Displays the current date)
2) Latitude & Longitude - (Displays the city's geographical latitude & longitude)
3) Distance & Heading (mi) - (Displays the distance and direction from "Your Location" to the city in miles)
4) Distance & Heading (km) - (Displays the distance and direction from "Your Location" to the city in kilometers)
5) Distance & Heading (nm) - (Displays the distance and direction from "Your Location" to the city in nautical miles)
6) Angle to Sun - (Displays the elevation and azimuth of the sun for an observer in the city)
7) Angle to Moon - (Displays the elevation and azimuth of the moon for an observer in the city)
8) Sunrise & Sunset - (Displays the local times of today's sunrise & sunset in the city)
9) Moonrise & Moonset - (Displays the local times of today's moonrise & moonset in the city)
10) Length of Solar Day - (Displays the hours and minutes of daylight today)
11) Local Solar Noon - (Displays the time at which the sun reaches its highest point in the sky today)
Atlas Window: Time Palette maintains a searchable database of cities which are accessed through this window. To find a city, type the first few letters of its name. The Window menu can be used to add or delete cities. To edit a city, double click on it. You can drag a city in the Atlas to any clock in the Time Palette window, to a map display, or to the Your Location window.
Your Location Window: This window contains the information required by the software to correctly determine the time in various cities. You must find the city where you live in the atlas, and drag it to this window. In addition, you must check the Daylight Saving Time (Summer Time) box when your city is on Daylight (Summer) Time.
Note to portable users: If you travel with your computer and change your system's clock to the time in the cities you travel to, you must drag this city from the atlas to the Your Location window.
Map Windows: Time Palette™ 3.1 supports multiple, resizable map projections and allows for several maps to be open simultaneously. Internally, the maps Time Palette™ uses are rectangular projections which are then transformed into the selected viewing projection. For this reason, portions of the map may lose sharpness at very large view sizes. (This is because there may not be enough detail in the source map to crisply render all areas of the display map).
You can drag a city to the map display to center the view on that city.
Time Palette is shareware. You are permitted to try it free for 10 days. After this trial period, you must either delete it or register it by sending in the registration fee. You are permitted to install the program on as many computers as you wish, as long as it is not used in more than one place simultaneously. If you need to use it on more than one computer at the same time, please register the number of copies that you will be using simultaneously.
Registered users will be notified of future releases. Minor releases (bug-fixes and minor feature enhancements) will be made available for a small fee to cover mailing, or can be downloaded from online sources. Major releases will be made available for a reduced fee to be determined when new versions become available.
You may register online using the Kagi registration system by following the link at http://www.timepalette.com.
Direct mail to the author:
When registering this software, please include the following information...
Your name, company name (unless registering for an individual), your full and complete mailing address (including street, suite number, city, district, state or province, postal code and country) and an E-Mail address if you have one.
If you are paying by cash or check directly to the author, please send your payment to the address listed at the beginning of this document. For discounted pricing on corporate or educational site licenses, please contact the author directly via E-Mail or standard Mail.
1) You may send a check payable to "Trygve H. Inda" for $25. All checks must be written in US Dollars.
2) You may send US $25 in cash.
3) You may send the cash equivalent of US $25 in your local currency.
Please round the amount to the nearest value that can be paid in paper currency.
I am aware of the risks of sending cash through the mail, and if you choose that option, you do so at your own risk. However, I have received many payments using this method from other users. Please make sure that the cash is not visible in the envelope (wrap it in a sheet of paper).
If you decide to send cash, I would prefer that it be in your local currency, and not US Dollars.
Direct mail, fax or phone to Kagi:
Kagi is a company that acts as a clearing house for shareware registration. A user pays Kagi, and they pay the author. A major advantage of this system is that Kagi is able to accept registrations by credit card.
1) You may use the registration software (available at http://www.timepalette.com) to enter your information and mail or fax it to Kagi.
2) You may register by telephone with Kagi. Please see their website for more information. (www.kagi.com)
I would strongly prefer that you only use Kagi for credit card registration. Kagi generally gives a rather unfavorable exchange rate for foreign cash and there is a longer delay in getting a serial number to you because of the middle man. However, if you choose to use Kagi for cash or checks, please remember to use the exchange rate specified in the registration software and/or make the check payable to "Kagi".
Support for this software is available via E-Mail. Please direct any questions or comments to the electronic mail address at the top of this document. If you do not have access to any of these services, you may contact me by standard mail at the address listed at the beginning of this document. Thank you for your support.